Are you a Multi-Possibilitarian?

Shawn Fink
2 min readMar 21, 2022

Do you have many talents and interests?

Are you passionate about many things?

Do you get caught up in the many possibilities for yourself?

Welcome to the Multi-Possibilarian Club!

In 2006, my twin infants would sleep twice a day. I was a freelancer for national publications but that’s when I began my first foray into all the possible paths I could take as a writer, activist and former journalist.

Over the past 10 years as an online entrepreneur, I’ve explored many rabbit holes developing skills and expertise in many areas including branding, marketing, coaching and business strategy — and I use all of those in my business mentoring and courage coaching practice.

But I have sub-passions that serve my coaching practice well. Passions — such as spirituality and activism — that I bring alive in various ways throughout the Brave Yes brand ecosystem.

Rather than see passions as possible paths to niche down and go all in on, I encourage my clients to embrace them and use them holistically in your work.

This is what I call Brave Yes impact and it induces freedom, wholeness and joy.

Over the years, I’ve seen multipossibilitarians called renaissance souls, multipassionates and multipotentialites.

To be honest, we’re just humans who love to learn and have many a variety interests.

The essential piece of this puzzle is to know which passions will serve your work and which ones will take away from your work.

I help my clients find their umbrella mission that serves as their personal or business brand superpower. Finding this umbrella mission and going all in on it allows you to operate with focus and clarity.

Try this: Do a brain dump of all your many passions. Choose 3 to focus on and imagine a possible path forward using all of them. What would you build? Create? Offer?

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Shawn Fink

I help wholehearted entrepreneurs be #BusinessBrave and start taking up more space and running your biz on your terms.