The Importance of Setting Bolder Boundaries for Your Business

Shawn Fink
2 min readJan 10, 2022

Life is going Life.

This is a common “Shawnism” in my coaching sessions.

No matter how hard we plan, things are going to pop up when you least expect them.

Last year, when my husband had a heart attack, I leaned down to him upon seeing him in the hospital and jokingly told him this wasn’t on the agenda this week.

Thankfully he recovered fully and far less serious life bumps keep popping up instead.

But, if Life is Going to Life, we need to keep control over the parts of our lives that we can — so we handle the serious matters out of our control.

As creative entrepreneurs and CEOs, we must protect the parts of our work that help us refine our craft, make new offers and grow our services.

To do this, I invite my clients to use the Brave Yes CEO Power Tool of Bolder Business Boundaries.

Bolder Business Boundaries are designed to protect your time, energy and resources.

Here are 3 Benefits of Setting Bolder Boundaries

  • TIME FOR DEEP WORK — That list of amazing things you want to do … a Bolder Boundary here will ensure they happen.
  • ENERGY FOR RISK TAKING — That big ask you want to make … a Bolder Boundary here will ensure you have the resilience to handle the outcome.
  • CLARITY ON NEXT MOVES — That list of ideas on your desk … a Bolder Boundary here will ensure you know what’s up next.

What is an area of your business you want to protect this year? What is a Bolder Boundary you can set to protect it?

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Shawn Fink

I help wholehearted entrepreneurs be #BusinessBrave and start taking up more space and running your biz on your terms.